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Nature's Goodness Bee Pollen 250gm

Nature's Goodness Bee Pollen 250gm

Regular price $31.75 AUD
Regular price Sale price $31.75 AUD
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Bee pollen has been praised for centuries as a useful food source, many regular users attribute their youth and vigour to it.


Resveratrol Juice is a synergistic blend of antioxidants, including:

ž   Grape Skin Extract - rich in t-resveratrol and proanthocyanidins

ž   Grape Seed Extract - rich source of proanthocyanidins

ž   Green Tea - high in catechins - polyphenol anti-oxidant bioflavonoids

ž   Wild Rosella - high in anthocyanins - powerful anti-oxidant protection from free radicals


ž   Use pollen sprinkling it on breakfast cereals, fruit salad, yoghurt etc.

ž   Whiz it up in a smoothie or simply chew it direct from the container.

ž   One to two teaspoons daily.


This product may cause severe allergic reactions.

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