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Fusion Cold & Flu 30 Tabs

Fusion Cold & Flu 30 Tabs

Regular price $32.95 AUD
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Got a runny or blocked nose? Fusion Cold & Flu contains echinacea, traditionally used to relieve a runny and blocked nose in Western herbal medicine. Cough? Fusion Cold & Flu also contains balloonflower to relieve coughs, based on use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Fusion Cold & Flu contains echinacea to shorten the duration of common cold symptoms, plus herbs traditionally used to relieve common cold and flu symptoms:

  • Runny or congested nose, traditionally relieved by echinacea in Western herbal medicine
  • Cough, traditionally relieved by balloonflower in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
  • Sore throat, headaches, mild fever and chills, which are relieved by Japanese catnip based on traditional use in TCM when a symptom pattern known as external wind-cold is present

Also contains honeysuckle and forsythia, which are often taken together in TCM.

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